::Question of Life...::

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I get this tag from someone…I view her blog actually…

1. Were you named after anyone?
Combination my mum and dad…

2. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday…marahkan seseorang….( I am "ratu air mata")

3. Do you like your handwriting?
Yes. I do…Most of the time.. peoples will ask favour from me to write form for them..

4. What is your favorite lunch meat?

5. Do you have kid/kids?
Yes, a hero… for addition…myb next year…

6. If you were another person would you be friends with you?
Of course YES!! I’m a good friend…

7. Would you bungee jump?

8. What is your favorite cereal?
Coco crunch/Cornflakes/Honeystar

9. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
No..i don’t have that kind of shoes….

10. Do you think you are strong?
Nope..quite fragile

11. What is your favorite ice cream?
Raspberry vanilla…

12. Red or pink?

13. Who do you miss the most?
My late granny…dah dua raya dia “pergi”…My Harris…My hubby…

14. Do you want everyone to send this back to you?
No…x larat nak jawab…

15. What color pants and shoes are you wearing?
Today I’m wearing baju kurung berwarna kuning lembut…

16. What was the last thing you ate?
Roti john…Wat sahur this morning and hot tea….

17. What are you listening to right now?
Bunyi keyboard…and phone

18. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
Blue…I like blue…

19. Favorite smells?
My hubby and Harris’s smells….

20. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My mum…(asking what Harris do this morning…)

21. Favorite sports to watch?
I don’t like watching sport…but I do likes playing bowling…

22. Hair color?

23. Eye color?
Brown…original ye…x pakai contact lens pun…

24. Do you wear contacts?
Wearing spec masa emergency je..(hah??)

25. Favorite food?
Char Kuey Teow

26. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy ending ler..yg scary tu xnak tgk…Takut…

27. Last movie you watched?
Perfect Stranger…Masa sahur tadi…tapi x tgk habis…sbb dah ZzzzZZz

28. What color shirt are you wearing?
Now i'm wearing Baju Kurung Kuning lembut…with tudung caler "pink"…

29. Summer or winter?
Summer…coz bleh bersiar2…kalo winter takut jalan penuh dgn salji…x leh pg mana2…

30. Hugs or kisses?
If from my hubby and Harris…of course both…if frens…hugs..and muah2…laga pipi…

31. Favorite dessert?

32. What book are you reading now?
Xde masa nak baca…huhuhu…

33. What did you watch on t.v. last night?
News...after that lupa

34. Favorite sound?
Listen to Harris singing (he follow umi and ayah singing in the car)

35. Rolling stones or beatles?
Beatles…Love..love me do…u know I love u…

36. What is the furthest you have been from home?

37. Do you have a special talent?
Hmmm…i must say no

38. Where were you born?
Sentosa Medical Centre…now is Hotel for AirAsia customers…

39. Whose answers are you looking forward to getting back?
My hubby…Bubbles..Mala…Ju & you…


Ju@Lucky^Mummy said...

why me why me???

Nidza said...

nasibler ko...